Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas 2013

Would you believe we didn’t even start opening presents until lunchtime?? I think we have hit a new record!!


But lets be honest we had to get our bellies full first and what’s Christmas without Christmas Crunch!


Tucker Jones excitement was so adorable as always, after all it’s the moment he waits for ALLLLLLLLLLllll year long! 20131225_082338

Christmas morning and he couldn’t be happier having us all in one room to watch us open our gifts!

While little miss cranky could be found at any time hoarding all of her babies…

20131225_005614She did join us for opening presents though, basically just to see what Santa brought her this year. It was absolutely amazing the interest she had in the presents that were for Lola, even before I knew they were intended for Lola.  20131225_115122 20131225_115148

She absolutely loved this outfit for Lola (and so did i) but Milly was literally infatuated with it! 20131225_115248

At this point we gave her her own presents to distract her!20131225_115443

Can you tell I got anew camera and had to play with all the fun settings and take double the pictures!!!


I literally just cried when i saw this and tried to read the inscription on the necklace Lou got me….20131225_081844

One side under the tree says “Mommy and Lola” and the back says “Forever Love, Forever Friends”…. the word “friends” just makes me ball! It’s so fun to think she will be my new best friend!

To tell the truth i think everyone was just trying to see this 9 month prego mama ball as i opened all of Lola’s presents… Mom got her the sweetest books and wrote notes in each one!

20131225_171907 I loved it!20131225_17181920131225_171837

Daddy got Lou a new toy helicopter this year and I’m not sure who was more entertained by it… Lou or TJ

 20131225_092443 20131225_092453  Sometimes you need a pick me up on Christmas… 20131225_105623

Some need sweets and some need energy drinks! Todd thought this one may be big enough for Alex! 20131225_110524

LOL it was huge with a re-sealable lid even!! I’ll give you one guess as to who the first two at the table were…20131225_110756

Milly strategically reserved her spot right next to daddy. I think i have this same picture from each year! 20131225_110840

Lou trying to sneak in some reading time… he LOVES getting a new book! 20131225_110907

Lola and I were ready for Christmas dinner!

20131226_113928 Mom’s homemade ravioli made from scratch!20131225_110915 20131225_111002

I get sooooooo thirsty lately, i constantly have to have something to sip on and can never get enough! Christmas dinner i couldn’t decide what to drink so i had 3 options I went back and fourth between! 20131225_114304  Christmas cookies!20131225_114312    TJ was worn out from all the excitement of Christmas morning…. just wait until next year TJ! 20131225_090854

Well good news TJ, round 2 of Christmas was shortly after our real Christmas when Billy and Angela arrived from North Carolina!

20131226_18503020131226_182509 Oh Milly..20131226_183611_HDR20131226_201007 20131226_201048

Pooped again….


The next day we were all together in Hilton head for a dolphin cruise and to spend some time with Alex’s family and the girls!


All Aboard and freezing!

20131228_085821 20131228_08583520131228_095237I’m such a mom…. 


I love the “old” setting on my new camera!

20131228_095411.. and I’m sure everyone loved that i got a new camera to play with ;)


Ok, ok on to the dolphins, I swear we really did see them, tons actually!

20131228_100345 We may have froze our butts off but we did have a blast! 20131228_100528

We met mom and dad for dinner after and got a bit lost and coincidently ended up at Alex’s favorite ice cream place BEFORE going to eat dinner!


The only place he ever gets watermelon ice cream…. which he totally brought into the Asian restaurant!20131228_164017

Our last dinner all together without a high chair! 20131228_171801 20131228_171959 20131228_172006 20131228_172057 20131228_172148

They must have known i was pregnant…. our sweet waiter brought out a complimentary dessert!! 20131228_173849 20131228_174216

Then it was girl time inclusive of presents for these cuties!!

20131228_134332 20131228_134351

I always love Jane’s bright and cheerful Christmas theme!

20131228_134128    Lou loves getting extra cuddle from baby Avery and she has really gotten more social lately! 20131228_134704 20131228_134756_3 20131228_140532_5Sweet girls!  20131228_140619 20131228_140622 20131228_140701

Lou was the cool kid on the block for the girls this year thanks to his video camera! Shu took it all over the house and came back about ten minutes later… it was quite interesting to get home and see what she had taped! 20131228_140813 20131228_140817

I attempted to get a picture of the three of them, not so much! 20131228_141013

Avery was such a busy body it was terrible trying to get her to sit still for a picture but here was our attempt at a girls pic! 20131228_141139

We had such a good visit and Shu was adorable asking about Lola! She is so smart and so excited, she rubbed my belly and said “Aunt Jen how much longer until Lola gets here?” For some reason it made it so much more real to hear Julian say her name?

Before heading back to Atlanta we were able to give mom her most favorite present of all one more time…


No not slaving away in the kitchen, but close! It’s us being all together and sitting together at the table…


and i do mean “all of us”! 20131229_104834Time to head back to Atlanta, to celebrate 35 weeks and New Years Eve by putting Lola’s crib together! 

20131230_1159541388526647309 1388527525327    Milly was right where we expected, in the middle of it all! 20131231_200556 20131231_202147 20131231_203015 20140101_033042 20140101_121250

I love, love, love Lola’s nursery now!

The day after new years (January 2- 1 month from Lolas due date) we had our 35 week appointment which came with very good news… Lola is already head down!! 20140102_162323 20140102_162329  We’re at weekly appointments now and I’m officially 36 weeks today! I wish sleeping wasn’t a necessity because it’s probably the hardest most uncomfortable thing to try and do lately, I would trade it for a crying baby any day!

Especially if it’s our girl!

We’re ready when you are Lola girl!!