Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ohh We’re Halfway There….

Ohhhhhhhh living on Skype!!!!


We have one more weekend and a week until Lou comes home and I can NOT wait!! I’m sure mom is pretty excited too because (besides weekends) she isn’t allowed to see her hubby either! I require A LOT of attention and entertainment with Lou not being here, trust me!

Besides mom and Kayla and Rachel here is a glimpse of what has been in my survival kit since he left:


Yes, that bad!!

We have tried to feel closer to each other by sending pictures back and forth during the day of our meals, places we go and random “wish you were here” moments!

Here’s some pictures of what he has sent me over the past week: IMG_20110807_120617

This is the view from his hotel…. IMG_20110807_120629

Also, here’s a picture from the restaurant he went to last night for dinner with the guys from his work:


It looks gorgeous and he said he ate the best steak of his life (I think he just forgot what “real” food taste like more than likely)! It was an old mans house that they made into a restaurant! Alex said there were hidden vaults everywhere where the man used to keep his money (they got a tour of the house while they were there).

This is a picture of the house: lacasona1

Gorgeous right?

I believe this is from his hotel lobby: IMG_20110807_204018

He actually did say he has had some good meals since he has been there except the lunch they eat at the facility…..

Here’s Milly talking to daddy on Skype, notice she is looking away a bit- well she is starring at the front door…. every time he talks to them on speaker phone or Skype they run to the front door barking… poor things they still don’t understand where he is!  DSC00171

The internet was SOOO bad the first few days he was there we couldn’t even skype or G-chat at night so he moved rooms to be closer to the lobby…. this is a picture I took while we were skyping of the pool view out his window!


This past week mom and I did a lot of eating and shopping when I wasn’t at work and when we were home I caught up on more work and studied for my licensure that is sooner than I want to think of right now…


Mom has been a super hero since Lou left…. not that she wasn’t super mom before but seriously I had no idea I was getting a dog walker, maid, cook, lunch and breakfast packer and entertainer!

This is what I have caught myself saying to co-workers lately who must wonder “what is going on with her and her mom”?

- Oh I love your shoes where did you get them? Ohh thank you, my mom got them for me yesterday at target for 3 $!!

- Would you like the rest of my lunch? Oh no thank you, I just ate egg salad my mom packed me for lunch!

- Jen when are you leaving work, you should go home. Oh I am about to I’m just waiting for my mom to pick me up because she drove me today!


I come home to a clean vacuumed and mopped house almost daily, I wake up to my “togo” cup and lunch packed and ready, she refuses to go to bed before me and is helping me rush out the door in the morning!

She brushes, feeds and walks the babies daily and does my laundry!! 2011-08-11_19-47-34_323

Lou told me I must make her stop and that I’m getting spoiled….. I just can’t bring myself to do it though- not that she would listen anyway!!!

Thanks mama!!


This is Milly giving Grama her frisky look after getting brushed…. yes my dog gets “frisky” from one brush stroke!

Daddy came to visit us girls this weekend to see how we were holding up without our men….. and he made plans for us to go see Mr. Stevie (daddy’s “best man” and fraternity brother in college). They are such trouble when they get together, two peas in a pod who tune everything out around them when they start talking, both accountants too!

Saturday mom made her famous Pina coladas and midnight snacks for Rachel and I!


It felt just like when I was little with friends over and she would come out with a million different snacks for us and we got to eat on the couch until we fell asleep watching “I love Lucy”!


Sunday we house hunted and then had a cook out before daddy left: Alex called just in time to put in his request for hamburger or hot dog!


Cook outs just aren’t the same with out Lou here but daddy did great on the Lou’s grill!

This week we have again, tried to keep ourselves very busy and here’s a few picture I sent to him to keep him in the ATL loop:


We met Ali at “The Real Chow Baby” in midtown for a first time experience! It was such a neat place (Billy you would love it- it’s all you can eat made to order)! You get 2 bowls, a meat bowl and a vegetable/noodle/ rice bowl to fill up and give it to the people at the cooking station!


You pick any sauce and spice to go on top and they have vegan options too!

The Mojitos weren’t too bad either- except the one I spilt all over everything at our table!!! Mainly it was just soo good to see Ali even though I forgot to get a picture with her!

Good choice on the restaurant pick Ali- as always!

After dinner mom and I went to Andy and Rachels to (finally) watch the “Jaycee Duggard” story that they “tivo’d” for me!! So sad yet so amazing, I think everyone could learn something from that strong, strong woman!


This was the first picture I took with my new phone for Lou!

“Everyone say: Hey Lou, we miss you!!!”


Above: Tuesday mom came to Marietta to meet me for my long lunch break since I work long days on Tuesday!

We both craved chicken fingers and where else is cuter to go than to the Marietta square!

Say “Hi Lou!!!!”


My response from that picture:

“Ok Jen Jen, now I’m depressed, I want to be able to go eat lunch with you guys!”

Ha, I told Lou if he says that than he won’t get any more pictures!!

He instantly took it back and says the pictures help him stay happy more than anything!!!

So I kept them coming! 2011-08-10_11-14-15_432

Toes day!!

(Notice Kayla in the far background in moms picture)


Kayla and I decided we had been without our boys for 2 weeks now (Lance works our of town too but for a month at a time!) so we deserved a pity party at the pool on our shared day off!

So we sent this to the boys!



“Wish you were here, I miss you!!!”


Below: “Look what I found”!


Alex and I lived right around the corner from a “Rita’s” in Clemson and went almost daily during the summer…. I had not been since we moved away and it was so good!!

That’s all for now!! Mom and I are heading home tomorrow for her to see Daddy and for me to have a little get away girls trip in Hilton Head, I’m sure it will be just what I need and as entertaining as ever!!!

Time to skype my Lou, Goodnight!!