Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekends, Pool Time and Moving!

No worries, we haven’t moved (yet, although we did decide to step back into the market and start looking this past weekend) but Andy and Rachel did move! Into their beautiful new house!!

I have pictures on Rachel's camera oh the nightmare of moving them in so I promise to insert them soon here!

I did snap this one myself though…


A blueberry pound cake- How cute- and delicious!

They seriously moved into a magazine neighborhood… it looks like it’s straight out of Desperate Housewives, Wisteria Lane!!

This weekend flew by so fast and then I realized I never even blogged last weekend!


Bob came up to visit (notice the Papa Johns Pizza box- I swear that is their absolute favorite!) and we spent most of the weekend at the pool, of course after him and Sean finished their ridiculous bike rides each morning!

The week went by just as fast as the weekend…


With my new job I have Wednesdays and Thursday off which always means pool/lunch date with lou! DSC05926

I love it!

This past Saturday Andy’s friend Adam got us in to Tongue and Groove (where we went for my birthday) for free and with a VIP booth AND with a free bottle of Grey Goose (normally $300- yeah I wanted to take a picture of the prices on the menu but thought that may be tacky?!) 

Thanks Adam (furthest to the right)!!


So here was our handsome crew of men!

And us GORGEOUS women :)


The Virginia girls! DSC05934

Kayla and her no tipping lollipop! DSC05935  DSC05945

Andy very much wanted in our picture but apparently our heads were to big…. Here ya go Andy! DSC05946

Lou and I decided to do the Honolulu dance…..DSC05948

in the midst of very vulgar rap music (more than likely)!

Oh yes and with the strobe light I thought my robot looked way cooler than it appears here….

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As you can see the night got a bit wild- and those are the PG pics- but Alex and I had to be up and ready to clean the house and to be kicked out of our house by lunch Sunday morning so the realtor could do an open house since the house we are now renting is on the market…

Makes for fun Sundays… NOT! We took advantage and did a little house shopping of our own but more details for that when we get closer to making a decision! :)

Side Note/Ending Note: In case you didn’t know we are fruit-a-holics in this house- And this is not the half of what we bought today!

DSC06016 Can you tell Summer is here!!


Good Night!