Thursday, January 13, 2011

Adam Turns 30 and A Snow Storm!

DSC04499   A birthday diva he was….DSC04493   That’s right princess Adam turned the big  3-0 on January 1st and we all came to town for (what we thought would be one night) to celebrate his birthday this past weekend!



I can honestly say (I hope…) “I think he may have had one of the BEST nights of his life” and I couldn’t be happier for him!




  Adam and his earrings :) DSC04527

*Adam’s birthday crew*


His parents, my parents and alllllll the siblings were able to make it for dinner and of course what else would the princess want after a few too many Absolute and Red Bulls…..

Going dancing of course!


So panic mode we go…. “A place in Statesboro where we can bring Adam to dance…..”

(Much harder than it sounds to say the least)

However, our decision was made easy for us when we found out Gnats Landing was the only place open and yes, he got the entire bar off their butts and showed them how to get low!!

DSC04438   He was quite a hit, let’s just leave it at that!


Ohh Adam! We love you so much and are so happy we could share a great 30th birthday celebration going out with you!!


Sunday we had promised sweet Ana  a long overdue play date and she picked a bowling date!

So after a slow moving morning- that’s exactly what we did!

DSC04651 Ohh how I missed the love of my life-

As soon as we got to their house to pick them up she took me up to her room to let me see all of her new dolphin statues and girly clothes!

(our favorite things to talk about:))

And in the middle of all the juicy girly talk she looked at me and said “Oh Miss Jen, I have missed you so much” and hugged me!

How did I get so lucky!?!?

Anyway the new “Club House” (bowling alley) in Statesboro was a hit and Alex and Ana both had fun!

(ohh yeah and they are both SOOOOO into cell phones now!)


By the time we got home and packed the bags in the car it was about 7:00 pm and we were hearing all about the crazy weather Atlanta was getting (which scared us a bit)!

So after very little thought- we decided to stay at mom’s until it was all cleared up- at least enough for us to make the drive back(which would be Wednesday afternoon).DSC04659

This was the extent of the “ice and snow” we got in the Boro :)

What perfect timing for a snow storm because  I ended up getting sick Monday morning  and school got cancelled for the week!

…..and I am so glad we stayed because I got to (for once) be home and not rushing here there and everywhere like we usually are when we’re home!


Actually I have never enjoyed being “stuck” at home and sick so much and Alex got to work from home due to the weather so we pretty much considered it a vacation by default :)

And what else do ya do when your stuck indoors? Make home made chocolate chip (and pecan) cookies with your mama!


Recipe included!!

DSC04693 DSC04701  and a hint* it makes way more than 2 dozen (even after eating handfuls of the batter!)DSC04711

So today we finally traveled back to Atlanta and it was quite an adventure…. we literally almost got hit by sheets of ice flying off the roofs of 18 wheelers on I-16!

Luckily, we made it home safely and the main roads were cleared, just not the small roads and our driveway is under about 5 inches of pure ice!


Thank goodness we decided to stay at moms until the worst was over because I definitely didn’t leave enough groceries in the house to get us through the week if we had traveled back to Atlanta Sunday night and been stranded at the house! DSC04759

Poor Milly (whose diet has been prolonged another week along with her moms- were on KSU’s schedule) she keeps wondering why the ice shatters with each step she takes…..


Happy cabin fever days to you!