Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pig Roast Time of Year Again!!

DSC01424    All “Kids” were able to make it this year!!!

…and I was ALMOST able to capture EVERYONE!

This made the sleeping arrangements pretty interesting, it was ONE BIG (adult) SLUMBER PARTY from the popcorn in bed to the lined up air mattresses (going flat)!

It’s so overwhelming to think back to Alex’s childhood, WOW… can you imagine what fun they must have had in that house with 6 kids! This is why I love when they all get together and tell me old stories of when lou was a kid, i feel like I really was there!


On to the party!

  Ellijah and Cleve made it this year!!!

….. When Alex and I first got our license (him first, until he lost it immediately after, so it was back to mom and Andy driving us around until December when I got mine) used to go see these guys all the time… that was 9 years ago!DSC01378

Cleve (on right) and Elijah (on left) I was so happy they remembered us!! They worked with miss Karen at Memorial in the ER. This was always my favorite “after dinner date” when we got to go to Savannah… I loved the hospital but never wanted to be a nurse, haha go figure?

On to my other favorite guest…..

Julian: “The Peanut”


Is this not beautiful? Look at those eyes! DSC01384

Sometimes you have to buy a kids love…..


We were supporting Uncle Lou, even though they lost to Auburn AGAIN this year!



Ohh and guess what….. Mom and Dad were finally in town for the pig roast this year! DSC01391

Adam came to town early to help clean, what a sweet boy he is who LOVES his mama… He had the best time and it was so nice to see him so happy, even though he was highly intoxicated!!


…I can’t help but think of Adam with some of the patients I see at Grady…… It’s different triggers with each one, sometimes it’s hearing their stories and realizing they move all over looking for the next adventure, sometimes it’s their optimistic flaming“ness” but most of  the times it’s the fearless ones who make me think of Adam…. What a trooper he is!

DSC01397  He makes life look so easy…..


After we all got successfully “good and liquored up” it was, of course, four wheeler time!!!


(mom close your eyes and skip to bottom of blog)

We found the FUNNEST new game… golf cart maze (with no headlights on in the dark) and four wheeler bumper cars! It was so fun! The golf cart goes first and races through trees in the dark while the four wheeler chases it ramming them ever time they get close enough (majority of the time)!! :)   DSC05634

Wreck #1: Rachel meets tree! DSC05637 DSC05640

A small catastrophe…. I know it involved Lance but I can’t remember what exactly happened due to Alex kicking my driver (Autumn) to the curb and hi-jacking me on the four wheeler to test out his “2 wheels only” skills! DSC05645Sad that I would rather Autumn drive than Alex…. 

(although I didn’t know –until now- that apparently her eyes were closed!! THANKS AUTUMN!)


Good thing we had an experienced ER nurse on hand!!!


Mrs. Karen was so happy we lived through the night!


What a long, fun weekend! The pups were exhausted but we made it home and  sweetTJ still had the energy to give his mom a wink!


Happy to be safe and sound at home….. another week begins but we have something FUN AND EXCITING to look forward to this time…. We’re taking a trip to Biloxi in two weeks for Grama’s 81st birthday!!

Happy Belated Birthday Grams!!!

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(it was Thursday the 23rd)

We haven’t been back to Biloxi since Katrina (5 whole years, can you believe it) so I’m excited to see everything again, I wonder if my little snow ball stand has been rebuilt? Should be interesting!!!

Milly says “goodnight blog world, mama has a belly to rub!”
