Thursday, January 7, 2010

A story of one HOT mess…


YES that is her…… Earning her own POST!

SO decide for yourself If this is a good or bad story….

If you have met us you know Alex and I LOVE to brag about how SMART Milly is and we love to show off her tricks every time we have company, even if you have seen them before (yes, we are “those” people). While we are on the topic lets list her tricks we have taught her, or rather the tricks her drill sergeant father has enforced on her…. sit, stay, roll over, up, walk and “go get your baby” there’s also one other her grandpa taught her that is highly inappropriate so we will not mention it here.


Other than those Milly has taught her parents a few tricks of her own…….

  • she paws at any door she wants open
  • She KNOWS mama will give her 2 treats if she just sits in front of the bowl for long enough,
  • same with cleaning our plates after a meal ( i have to  give it to her immediately or put the plates in the sink ASAP unless i want to watch her sad eyes in freeze position staring at the food waiting to eat our leftovers)
  • She also understands that if she pulls on walks mama has no choice but to walk faster!


Who’s in control here???

Anyway, the most clever of all has been her recent incident where she managed to fool her brother, Tuck, Alex and I all at the same time… So like I said, Milly knows if she paws at the porch door we will open it and she can go out. Well each time she gets us to open the door Tucker also runs out on the porch.



(I think it’s just those eye’s, I cave EVERY time! )

HERE WE GO- So one night Tucker took Milly’s “baby” and “accidently” sat on it (Milly has always refused to “ask”  for her baby back because she would rather pout about it). So when we went to open the porch door for Milly to go out she instead stood a side to let Tucker out first. So we said “Milly what are you doing, I thought you wanted to go out?” she looked at Tucker on the porch and ran to get her baby he had been sitting on and brought in in the other room! She is such a sass pot!! 

The whole time she was sitting there to make us open the door when really she just knew we would open it and Tucker would go out giving her access to her baby!!!!


Do i punish her or reward her for being smart???

Either way she is our HOT MESS!


(btw alex just walked in the door from taking them potty and said “we gotta stop doing that, she is training me because i just gave her a second treat for sitting in front of the treat bowl longer” haha TOLD YA!! There’s no such thing as doing something one time in this house!)