Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We’re Home and Tara’s 29!


We’re finally home from the best, most needed/relaxing vacation ever! We had a blast and I can’t wait to blog all about it but you know me, so by that I mean mostly just post pics!

BUT, as good as it feels to finally be home we have sooo much to catch up on around the house! This house is a never ending project, more specifically Alex’s basement turned mancave!

More importantly however, a good friend from high school Laura, made a beautiful bride in Statesboro and Tara turned 29 just before we headed to our vacation which made a perfect pre-vacay getaway!


Laura was absolutely beautiful, actually she was stunning and her wedding was beautiful as well BUT there was one thing missing… alcohol. have you ever heard of such a thing!?!

Thankfully we had a heads up that it would be a dry wedding and after literally a nightmare of trying to get Alex ready for this wedding  and then forgetting the present and having to turn around to get it (where we decided if were going to be late, what’s new, we mine as well be late and bring the boo’s!)20130518_194247

That’s right we were all grown adults sneaking out to the parking lot to fill up water bottles of rum and vodka and adding it to the “juice”…. you can’t tell right?!?!? HA!

Anyway our “system” obviously worked because we could barely get it together to take a picture….

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Lou and I are natural pro’s at getting it together… (actually i just know i only have one chance because he will refuse to take two)! 20130518_205611  Time to celebrate Tara last year of her twenties in Hilton Head!


Ana and I had to get our time in together and even though it was Tara’s birthday she made sure to remind Tara I was still her favorite! Geez, I love that girl… she was raised right!20130525_162250 20130525_162948 46894698

  Sorry, back to Tara AKA birthday queen!20130526_140350 20130526_140411 20130526_140440

We had so much fun being sun goddesses but Tara and Alex can’t sit still for too long so when Tim volunteered his Kayaks and mentioned an isolated island they were off! 20130526_145302 20130526_151321  Apparently Alex prefers Tara over me when riding tandem in a kayak… I guess it helps him when the other person pedals! 20130526_151405 469520130526_154943 20130526_155017  Ana became a mermaid and Tara and Alex brought us pretty treasures back fromt he island!20130526_164343 20130526_164430

That night we all headed out to dinner and Ana and I had a fashion show to decide our outfits just like old times (notice our holding hands)!


Tara got new wheels for the night thanks to Tim downing a bottle of wine (by himself)!20130525_204626

Hurricane bar  to say farewell to Tara’s twenties!20130525_212005 20130525_212056 20130525_213421

We had to staple our dollar bills (thanks Bill- come to think of it, what a god name for you because we can always count on you to have those dollar bills, which tenant do I thank for the one’s again?) 20130525_214028

Ana says “yo” is her new favorite word by the way (Bill Jr.?) 20130525_220900 20130525_223749 20130525_22375720130525_223810

What a fun weekend! Lets not forget the undocumented ride home yelling Taylor swift at the top of our lungs while Ana told us we were drunk and crazy and then going home to make Kahlua, oreo milkshakes! Not a bad birthday weekend!

Happy birthday Tara, love you!

Side note: Here’s Lous before and after pic as a present of your present for ya!


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Good night all, St Thomas trip is next up I swear!!