Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Time Catch Up!

Wow, I have a ton to catch you guys up on! I have been shitty i know but once you see how much has gone on you will exhale and forgive me… I hope!

In the last 2 weeks we have had many days at the pool:

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Sweet Lou, he comes to the pool book and all sweating his hiney off in the shade until I get good and bronzed… well that or hungry! C360_2012-06-17-14-11-37 C360_2012-06-17-14-43-09

I think this is my all time favorite picture of Andy… the ninja kid!

C360_2012-06-23-16-37-40  Tara got good and fried yesterday but was such a good sport!C360_2012-06-23-14-43-23 C360_2012-06-23-16-31-08  The boys kept needing a bigger and bigger challenge the more beer they got in them!C360_2012-06-23-16-32-49

Moving on to the life of the pups lately…

The last two weeks I have accrued many pup shots and Milly quite possibly has been the happiest girl alive….


Aunt Tara has been able to come over the last two weekends since working on an audit in Peachtree City and Milly has not left her side! She cries when Tara goes in the front yard, pouts when we leave to go anywhere and goes directly to Tara when I say “Can Mom have a kiss”…. In the end she got what she wanted…. her very first sleepover!

C360_2012-06-16-00-50-30  I think I officially tucked her in and told her goodnight 50 times, oh yeah and reminded her that Aunt Tara’s door and mommy’s door would be open in case she changed her mind in the middle of the night and wanted to come get in bed with mommy….C360_2012-06-16-00-52-11

No such luck, I gave in around 4 am and went to check on her/told her it was morning and her sleepover was over bribed her to get in bed with me and then talked to her about how much mommy missed her until i fell back asleep!


She is so obsessed with Tara…. Thank God TJ is a mama’s boy!



Oh Yes and let me introduce this little fella: Stewie; Andrew and Merediths pup!



He came over to Andy and Rachel’s last weekend for a cookout and meet baby Luther and Frankie (Nic and Lia’s pup)!

Welcome to the Atlanta crown little pup! I hear you and your mom will be joining your dad in Atlanta in August and I can’t wait!


Last weekend was Kayla’s last weekend before her big trip (I can’t fathom actually using the word moving) to Thailand! So Lou gave us quite the photo shoot and it turned out to be one of those nights where you start way to early, the nights over before you know it, the wine is all gone so you pick a place walking distance and finish the night off!


Those type of nights seem to happen to Kayla and I all too often, I contribute it to the fact that we are just way too content with each other and the night tends to just pass us by! In other words I’m going to miss this girlie like crazy!

Lou was kind enough to give us a mini photo shoot and we took full advantage!DSC05432 DSC05427

Love you missy and Lance better take good care of you; I’m looking forward to your return: September 17th and until then keep the pictures coming!

Between all of our company Alex and I have not had much alone time together the past3 weeks and so I have taken advantage of our dates together and pretended like they were a REALLY big deal! C360_2012-06-20-19-46-18

(Found these pretty wild flowers on our walk to dinner one night)


We found a place with a “bang bang shrimp” recipe!

I also missed reporting on Fathers Day throughout all of this madness so onto daddy’s “moment”!DSC05520

Mom and Dad were running the roads as always but managed to make it to Atlanta (while bringing Billy and Angela back with them from North Carolina) just in time for Fathers Day!


I think daddy’s Fathers Day present he adored the most was having us all together..


..That and going out for Mexican!


DSC05510DSC05516 DSC05519 DSC05523 DSC05525DSC05522DSC05496 DSC05498 DSC05503  Happy Fathers Day to the best daddy in the world! I don’t think there is anyone out there who quite gets our humor or actually thinks it’s funny at all but I’m glad we never get tired of humoring each other!DSC05537

Tara and I had some of the best dates this weekend between our Monster Margaritas, fake sprite and Vodkas ;) the best cheeseburger ever and my first time at a frozen yogurt “parlor”… I know right!?!?!


So I know your probably curious about this fake Vodka sprite… I’m awful at pranks but was so proud of myself! Alex kept matching everything Tara ordered AFTER finishing his Monsterita (mind you him and I both decided after making it about an inch dent in each that we should have shared one!)! So he went to the bathroom and made Tara promise to order him “whatever she ordered”.

So we told the waiter to bring him a sprite that looked identical to Tara’s Vodka Sprite (Tiny glass, double straw, lime; the works!) and he was more excitd to partake in the prank as we were!

Let’s just say we got him and for a brief moment he fel as macho as ever chugging down his sprite that taste “just like water”!

He actually loved our prank so much he wanted us to prank him again…. oh Lou!


We took Tara to Six Feet Under and there was a (as always) a really long wait, so we decided to take a tour of Oakland cemetary while we waited…..

Only Tara can make a cemetery look this good!

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Lastly, I finally tried a Frozen Yogurt Parlor and smothered it with Butterfinger and Heath bar (yes, mom you would love it… endless toffee!)C360_2012-06-23-22-12-56_org

Amazing and it’s right next to our house… maybe that’s less amazing and more dangerous!

Anyway, we have a busy next few weekends coming up; We’re going home this weekend for Alex to spend time with his mom and for me to catch up with all of my relatives who are in from Virginia and Mississippi and then will be returning to work for 2 days only to return again to spend July 4th in Hilton Head!

Please let this week go by fast and get me to the weekend for round 1 of fun :)

Happy Monday everyone!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Braves Win & a Droid Dump..

  Yes, I did confirm that the braves won before writing that and yes I felt the need to confirm even though we probably had the closest and best seats of any game I have ever been to!


And you wonder why we buy the cheap seats… I don’t see a thing!DSC05410We had the most fun tailgating and as always, I didn’t want to go in to the game…. Liz was so on my side with this!   DSC05406DSC05399  Girls Pic!DSC05402

Can you tell Jane isn’t from Atlanta?

The boys were a bit jealous and had to get a picture together as well…. but we decided to stick Kayla in there to make Lance a bit jealous- He is in Thailand!!!


I know boo, you miss your boo! Kayla will be joining him soon though and they will be gone for 3-4 months!!


Then I will be stuck missing my boo :(


Anyway we eventually decided to make our way into the game… not at half time because baseball games don’t have a half time ;)


Just an FYI for ya!

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After the game is was right back to tailgating to let the traffic die down… C360_2012-06-09-19-11-33 C360_2012-06-09-19-13-22 C360_2012-06-09-19-14-12 C360_2012-06-09-19-16-58

… and to have a gymnastics contest! C360_2012-06-09-19-31-01


This test should also be counted for DUI’s…. haha

Now for the Droid Dump!


Notice anything above? lolC360_2012-05-19-22-55-41 C360_2012-05-19-23-36-49_org C360_2012-05-20-21-32-18 C360_2012-05-16-21-19-39

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Lastly here’s a(nother) contagious laugh captured of Lou; FYI if you ever have a night to waste being addicted to YOUTUBE video’s just type in “Cinnamon challenge”! It’s pretty hilarious to watch, trust us… but don’t try it yourself!

I feel better after that cleansing, phone clean up! Whew!

Happy Monday everyone!