Monday, November 21, 2011

For the Love of Family and Friends :)

They honestly make everyday just that much better!! We were full of both this week and it was pretty much amazing!

Last Saturday this little love muffin went back home to find out her mommy and daddy picked up a little surprise while down in Valdosta….


That’s right Chelsea, you have a new sibling!

(I tried to prepare her all weekend but I guess she had to see it for herself….)

Meet baby Luther, Andy and Rachel’s newest addition, named after his Uncle Lou ofcourse ;)


The word is that Chelsea is still not exactly digging this new bundle of joy but we’re confident they will soon be best friends!

Just like Chelsea is with Daddy, right Chels??? :)

Speaking of  daddy, him and Alex played worked in the yard all day Sunday… and boy did it need it! Thankfully, Dad decided to buy a blower while he was here so that we could “test it out” for him before taking it home! It was so nice to have a “leaf free” yard and porch for about 2 days until they  were covered again!  DSC01305     DSC01309Mom and I shopped and played in the kitchen all day- our two favorite things, especially around this time of year!    

We even tested out Cream Cheese Danishes from my Pinterest recipe and they were too good to be true and the best part was how easy they were!


All we did was roll crescent rolls on the bottom, cream cheese, sugar and an egg mixture spread out over top and then another layer of crescent rolls over the top! DSC01323 DSC01324

Put the icing in a zip loc bag, cut the tip and drizzle over top!


Mom and dad left on Monday but not before cleaning my entire house, planting flowers in the front yard/window boxes and laying pine bark in the flower beds while we were at work!

Oh yes and lets not forget my text on the way home from work Monday night from mom: “I put a roast in the crock pot, hope it’s not burned… Enjoy!!”

They are pretty much too good to be true, I hope my gramas know what a good job they did in raising parents!


Tucker and Milly were so depressed when I came home Monday, they absolutely love having company!

So you can imagine they perked right back up to hear “Ney ney is coming to see you on Wednesday!!!!”


Thats right!! Ney finally made a trip to Atlanta accompanied by several minor panic attacks driving through a storm to get here :)

Milly thought it was too good to be true as well so smelled her out to make sure it was the real deal! DSC01329

I don’t blame you Mill, I thought she would never make it here! Ok ney, I won’t hate, i’m just glad you came! DSC01332

Can we talk about how wide Mills looks from this view….. baby got back for real!

Milly caught on to us picking at her very quickly and actually didn’t get depressed about it, rather she remembered the words of wisdom taught to her by her grampa…

“Chin up” for pictures!  DSC01337

I think I could go on forever about that girl, what a personality she has!

Neys visit was too short but so worth it! She was only in town for a meeting Thursday morning but the 3 of us re-lived our college roomie days until about 1 am Wednesday night!

If only you knew what an accomplishment that is for the 3 of us these days, we discovered Ney and Josh are on the same weekday schedule as us now, in bed by 10…. oh goodness I never thought that would come out of my mouth! 

We’re so lame, but love it don’t we Tuck!


Anyway, our one big night as roomies again was spent a bit differently than our old days at Broad Street and Players Club…. We were sober first of all (gasp, I know) and spent most of the night watching home videos of Kailey dancing in their den, telling her mama”no” and discussing how the boys at school would love her new pearl earrings!!

Oh what a mess she is!!! Milly you have pretty big shoes to fill to still get our attention while watching Kay bugs home videos!!!


Needless to say, it was a much needed slumber party and the most amazing Wednesday night I could have asked for!

Thanks for coming to visit Ney, I will pretend like the visit was just for me and not for your meeting ;)

Other important news……. Rachel and I are one step closer/possibly “there” with bridesmaid dresses!!

Rachel, Stephanie (a bridesmaid) and I went back to Demetrios, the store Rachel bought her dress at, to try on bridesmaid dresses for the princess!


She knows the colors will be Plum for girls and Navy blue suits for the guys! How cute, I know!

Here’s one of the top two options!


For the other option click below!

 Click here for the top pick dress so far!

(For some reason the second dress wouldn’t let me copy and past the picture from website so just follow link above?)

Regardless, this bride is on it!! Photographer is booked, dress is bought, site location is narrowed down and colors have been picked out for wedding party!

Gooooo Rachel!

I can’t believe another week and weekend has already come and gone, Friday was Alexs Holiday Party already for this year….

It was the first year the cheapo’s invited employers spouses!

I’m so bummed I didn’t get a picture of us at the party, I’m bad i know but we did play in the photo booth before leaving!

photobooth holiday party

It was way formal and completely classy so Lou and I did our best to blend in!

Let’s just say Saturday didn’t look so pretty and I learned a big lesson… Either I got ruffied or Chardonnay obviously has a larger alcohol content than my usual choice of rum and coke, margaritas and Moscato because after 3 glasses of it on Friday night and a morning from hell I decided I will never drink again!

(No worries I didn’t feel drunk at all until we got home that night so no embarrassing moments were had at the event)


It did put quite a damper into our Saturday though, I lived on the couch and took probably the 5th nap of my ENTIRE life that day!

Write it down!

This was Alexs face Saturday night after realizing I was feeling better  but still not good enough to go out again…

DSC01360Lou says a big yay to staying up all night Saturday til 6am Sunday morning to program “stuff”!

That’s his type of Saturday night!        

Thankfully Kayla was so sweet to come play laziness with me and the pups on the couch and to bake cookies all night Saturday!


Tucker and Milly were perfect cuddle bugs too during our insanely stressful movie “The Next 3 Days”…. it was good but stressful!


Don’t judge me, focus on the cuddle bug below! C360_2011-11-19-22-53-42

Sunday I finally made it off the couch (and showered- yay) to have a yummy brunch with the crew at The Nook!


It was part of Kaylas “on going farewell” before she moves to Kansas :(


Rachel was trying to sneak her hashbrown casserole in the picture with Kaylas delicious French Toast! C360_2011-11-20-15-00-34Just got to get through 3 days this week and were are heading home for Thanksgiving!!!

Safe Travels everyone!  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Getting in the Groove

Working full time now has definitely been an adjustment, at the end of every day I drive home wondering how people with kids and other activities handle it!?!??!!?

Just as we were starting to get in the groove of things…  the whole time change happened and that threw us for another loop!


(Proof, Wednesday we had planned a fun dinner date out with Andy and Rachel and ended up staying in to order pizza instead, were pathetic I know but I just can’t keep up!)

Regardless, here is what we have managed to get done in the  Minnicks household the last few days!


Lou decided to bake himself a chocolate cake… just because!

(Did i mention we have been eatting out like crazy because as you can see cooking in this household leads to a small nightmare in the kitchen for the next 3 days!!)


Mr. Precise, down on his knees making sure his measurements are exact… typical Lou.


We spent Saturday cleaning like obsessive Meth addicts and the only place Tucker and Milly weren’t forced to move out of the way from was the hallway! C360_2011-11-0514-40-26

Until they were involved in the cleaning by bath time!!

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I promise this was about 2 weeks ago before it got cold here :) DSC01214Spanky clean girl! 


After all of our cleaning we were on our way to get more cleaning supplies when we stumbled across a new restaurant in our local shopping center….. with home made milkshakes!


Absolutely Ahhh-mazing!

Ahh, and have I mentioned we have been getting some really good fortunes in our fortune cookies lately???

You may blame it on the fact that we have probably tripled our Chinese intake since moving to Atlanta but never the less they are right on… I hope!!

This was Lou’s this week! C360_2011-11-11-21-18-16  …. Simply with the word “recognized”, I couldn’t ask for more!

Ohh and let not forget the continuation of changin leaves, I think we have all been a little guilty of snapping a few of these the past few weeks…


Or is it just me who get honked at for stopping at a red light only for it to turn green and I’m still trying to get a good pic!?!?!

I know, I should keep my picture taking abilities of leaves at home!


Are you ready for our BIG news of this week?? I made my first batch of Cinnamon Raisin bread!


It was honestly AMAZING, especially served hot and smothered with butter :) DSC01259

Sad that that’s our big news right? Well how about this, mom and dad came to visit us!!!! DSC01281

Tucker and Milly are thrilled as usual but the story of our busy weekend with them is to come because for now I’m too tired and too busy enjoying it!


Hope you all enjoy your Sunday and that it last longer than my Saturday!


Good Night!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

I’m so very disappointed… we had absolutely no trick or treaters this year!! I blame it on all the churches and school doing “trick or trunking” in their parking lots…. safe yes, but can we say boring!! UGH- absolutely!

The Little five Point parade (that i do realize was 2 weeks ago and i have yet to post pictures of it until now) however, was anything but boring!! DSC00714

This was probably the scariest little 4 year old we have ever seen!


After we got our good yummy fried food and snowballs we were ready for the parade!



I think this one was my favorite… she was honestly the scariest thing there without doing a thing at all except staring….


Below are some of my favorites!!

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I attempted to keep the pictures “G” rated since Ana is my number one reader of this blog.. there were quite a few “R” rated characters, trust me!!

I Love You Ana!!

As I mentioned in the last post (that I obviously published from the car with my phone, oh wait you knew that from the uncentered pictures at the bottom of it that drive me crazy!) we were going home for the weekend and we were all long over due for a visit!


Much to my surprise when Alex and I walked in the door about midnight there was champagne on ice, balloons and banners and a huge present filled with “professional LMSW clothes” ad an adorable black trench coat!

I think I have the best parents…. and people wonder why I get so excited about little things… I was trained!

… and then I passed it on to this big guy!!


Tucker and Milly were sooo happy Friday afternoon to hear that we were going to grama and grampas, they love sitting in the sun outside and playing with their “cousin” Jaxson…. we don’t really have a good title for what Jaxson is to any of us, which is a good thing considering we all love him equally! DSC01037

You see, Jax was given to me in high school as a puppy from Lou and when I went to college he stayed behind and became my parents dog because the apartment Ney Ney and I loved it had a no dogs allowed policy…

I think he is the kid who his mom had at a young age so he was left to be raised by his grandparents so now his mom is his sister and his siblings are his cousins…. and there you have it!

My explanation for how Tucker, Milly and Jax are now considered cousins!


Mom and I kept teasing Milly and asking if she wanted to go for a walk.. She would get so excited and look to me to see “where” we were going on the walk as if she can’t run around on her own!

I guess the idea of it being a walk around the yard with her mom and grama just make it more fun? DSC01052

(No worries mom, I cut out your flip flops with socks)

Love you :)

I just had to post this one, typical Milly and her grampa…


She doesn’t miss a beat with that man… she loves her grampa!

Saturday night was Neyney’s big birthday bash so mom and Tara and I spent a good bit of time in the kitchen baking some goodies, particularly HEATH bar cake and peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chip Reeses pieces cookies (insert exhale here)!!C360_2011-10-2912-11-55

Thank goodness for Stephanie and her camera …..I actually have proof of being there!!

ney and stephBeautiful, beautiful girls!!  4 girls

Lauren was the best hostess to entertain on her won birthday celebration, everything was beautiful and wonderful especially the edibles!!

Happy Birthday Lauren and Renee, I feel terrible though, the first thing I thought of the next morning was that we didn’t put candles in the cake and sing happy birthday!!!!

ney and will

Will was amazing and each time he played a new song the words “omg this is my favorite song” came out of one of our mouths!

joe and jen

THen we wondered why we hired a singer when Joe and I can sick “Ice, Ice Baby” with the best of them and Joe is aparently a pro at farting noises which unfortunately kept us pretty entertained!!

Sad.. I know! Only kidding though, we would be crazy to trade that for Will, he was wonderful!

jen lou

Sweet Lou and the best girls makes for an amazing night!!

I love you Ney, happy birthday!!

jen steph ney  Sunday mom and I played outside with the dogs and then had El Sombrero for my second time in two days before going to visit Karen and Mike…


When we got there Mike and Karen were both napping so this little guy entertained us and could not be happier to see us for obvious reasons!


Him and that frizbee!



The weather was perfect for a fire! Actually at night it was too cold to be outside without one!


Look who woke up…


Rocket is the pride and joy of the family but Charlie honestly has my heart…. he is the sweetest most co-dependent bundle of joy you have ever met! DSC01149 DSC01159 DSC01166     Lou and I naturally agree….DSC01120

Look at those eyes! DSC01111



Other than Rockets Love for the Frizbee….  DSC01091

…is his love for charlie, they couldn’t be better buds but I think Charlies codependency is what “holds rocket back” watch the video below:


Yes you saw right, Charlie has learned to bite Rockets ankle to keep him from chasing the frizbee (leaving Rocket more time to play with him)!

Well that was our weekend…. and week…. and weekend before last.. are you exhausted? I am and so is Tuck (below) or maybe he is just enjoying his new bed dropped off on our porch on Halloween from his sweet Aunt Rachel and Uncle Andy!!

C360_2011-10-3119-53-45    It perked him up after his mom talked up how exciting it would be to have trick or treaters this year and then NO ONE showing up at our house!!

I guess Milly and I will have to eat alll the leftover candy!
