Andy and Rachel…
..are engaged!!!!!!
Yes, you heard right!!! I could not be MORE excited for these too and I am already being the annoying bride friend of the bride wanting to go shopping for dresses and possible locations!!
I keep forgetting it’s not my wedding!
Ok so I will give you a sneak peak of the “engagement story” because I’m leaving it to Rachel to tell the real story on her new blog!!
Which by the way you can start following her now on “”
Ok not really but she did promise me about two years ago that she would start blogging when she got engaged and did I mention I rarely forget anything ;)
Here we go:
So about noon last Friday Andy text me to ask if I have time to talk, well apparently I didn’t because I didn’t text him back until about 4 and he replied with “Do you think Rachel would like if I purposed to her at the sundial restaurant?”
Well let me just say I had not gone into panic mode yet because I didn’t know he meant THAT NIGHT!!
See, Andy took me with him about 2 months ago to buy the ring and he has just been teasing me since then as far as when he is going to purpose to her…… So I thought this was just talk…
Well it wasn’t!! He had already made plans for that night “September 30” at the Sundial for dinner, drinks, roses and a proposal!!!
We decided he should add a sentimental value to it and being their first date was at Ecco he decided to have everyone meet up at Ecco for champagne and a CELEBRATION!!
I could NOT WAIT to get to Ecco, I had just about peed on myself and my hands were sweaty with excitement each time my phone rang!! I was impatiently waiting for Andy to respond to my bazillion text of “did you do it yet” and after getting to Ecco I wondered why he had not slapped me…
Rachel said “yeah his phone was going off like crazy and he got up to go to the bathroom 4 times during dinner”!
(My bad!)
Love your pose Andy ;)
I could not be happier for these two and absolutely can not wait to plan fun wedding stuff!!! I’m (selfishly) all about a destination wedding, I think it’s one of those things I would have never been brave enough to do but it’s perfect for a best friend to do…. or SISTER IN LAW!!! :)
Welcome “officially” to the family!
The entire night I was obsessed with trying to get a good picture with my phone and this does not do her BEAUTIFUL ring justice by any means but it gives you the idea:
So once again, Congratulation Andy and Rachel!!!
Ya’ll could not be more perfect for each other, let the wedding planning begin!!!!
We took the lovebirds home and the next morning I text Rachel asap to instruct them to make Mimosa’s for breakfast!!
Good girl Rachel :)
(I’m allowed to do that because I remembered leaving 2 bottles of champagne at their house when they moved in!!)
Saturday the celebration continued but for another reason…..
Autumns Birthday!!!
So we had a little get together that night at our house and then walked to Las Margaritas to see her favorite little “men” and to down some Mexican goodness!
Wooo Hoo for being 21 (again)!!!
Happy Birthday Autumn!!
Sunday was quite a big deal as well….. I mean Hello??
We had cracker barrel!!
Yes, Cracker barrel is a very big deal in this house but an even bigger deal was that we had Cracker Barrel on the way to my first Festival of Fall!
On our awfully long and painful walk (which I decided “yeah, this is one of those moments that won’t be funny to look back on and laugh until maybe this time next year” ) we were able to keep our focus and momentum up thanks to the smell of fried food, and thoughts of funnel cakes and boiled peanuts!!
We then decided it was a good thing we had a long walk because we burned off some calories from eating everything in site at Cracker barrel and made room for more food!
These people in particular knew how to fry everything!!!
Literally, they even fried Kool-Aid and Oreos!! I actuallty overheard someone asking them how they fry Kool-Aid and they said they fry the powder from Kool-Aid, whatever that means?
I opted not to try out the Fried Kool-Aid…. what’s the need when you have Ritas Italian Ice??
I hope everyone who sees these signs (below) really appreciates them because I seriously got cussed out for taking this picture… After I snapped it she came up to me and asked me to delete the picture and not to take anymore…..
I obviously smiled and nicely agreed….. :)
She then told Lance that her sign clearly states “no pictures”…
His response: Oh yeah, next to all the other signs you have hanging up? Ya gotta love Lance!
Downtown Norcross was just too cute!! Our bellies were finally full though so it was time to contemplate the awful long walk home?!?!?!
I love the picture below of Kayla and I in deep thought on how to get back to our car….
Answer: Ok we will just send the boys back and then go get more funnel cakes and boiled peanuts while we wait for them to pick us up!
Love it?
I know I have the best ideas!
Luckily (for the boys) we took the shuttle home!!
Oh yes, and for Tucker too! He was a bit excited when his mom got home, I can’t blame him though, I smelled of Sugar pecans and boiled peanuts… his favorite!!
I do have one last announcement……
Milly, please remove your head from your ass and listen to mommy…
You too Tucker!!
Mommy was called into work a bit earlier than usual Thursday as you know only to have my boss tell me that they are offering me a FULL TIME POSITION at my agency!!
Yes, I know for you and your dad that it’s very bad news…. It;s true that I won’t have as much time to spend with you two especially on my “domestic mama Wednesdays” that we love so much, but it will be good for us too!!
Kayla, I’m sorry to you too, no more fun Wednesday lunch date… unless you drive to Marietta to see me :)
Let’s just say looking back I’m really glad that I enjoyed the Wednesdays I had off to the fullest!!!
This Monday will be the beginning of my new schedule, please pray for me as the thought of dealing with addicts EVERYDAY of the week is a bit overwhelming to me….
Tucker and Mlly, please don’t take your anger out on the house by getting into the trash everyday like you do every SINGLE time mommy has a shift in her schedule!!
Lou, please don’t get stressed out seeing me stressed out as I’m sure I will be in the beginning getting re-adjusted to the new schedule. I think you love the fact that I have Wednesdays off and only work half days on Thursdays even more than I do but I promise I will be just fine :) Other people work full time and survive and although “Full-time” is by no means something that has ever appealed to me I think I should try it out :)
So Cheers, Congrats and Best Wishes to all of those with something to celebrate!!