Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter and Bye-Bye Grady!

Hello, Hello! Please excuse me if this blog (is really long and)sounds like I just shot up the best drugs you can get in Atlanta but I’m pretty much on cloud 9 right now!!!DSC05515

I finished my last day of INTERNING at Grady!!

Which makes my husband pretty damn happy and proud as well as you can see!


It couldn’t have been a better day nor could it have been a BIGGER MESS to clean!!


Dorothy (boss) had promised us that she would take us (Adeola an I) on a tour of the “Grady Morgue” before we left and she kept her promise- It was probably the only day that the morgue was empty (yay for me) but I didn’t realize this is also where all “specimens” are sent from either autopsy's or OR’s. Anyway, we were checking out some “specimens” the nice doctor wanted to show us when…

He reached in a bucket to show us the huge grapefruit sized fibroids he just received from an OR that were removed from a lady and what do you know- it was our patients fibroids who we had just met an hour ago in her room where she was recovering from the surgery!!!

  TOO WEIRD- and GROSS but very interesting !

Not that you wanted to know any of that but I thought it was an ODD coincidence!

Other than that Adeola and I gave out presents, cookies, had lunch with our team at The Flying Biscuit (yes, i got to go back!) received present and said our goodbyes! I only cried once, at lunch, improvement from last years internship! :)


I’m going to miss working with Adeola soooooooooo much but I have wonderful dreams of her interning at CHOA next year, getting a job and then bringing me in!

No worries it’s all in the plan and as my sweet patient say’s to me: “You never let anything get in the way of you getting what you want!”

Love him.

The one thing we won’t miss…..


Those damn masks!!

I think they will always remind me of the first patient I had to wear one with who was on contact precaution for TB…. Let’s just say he refused to wear clothes or use a restroom- so his room smelled and had several “droppings”.

I associate that smell with the mask and gown every time now!


Bye- bye mask!!  

The night was a night to celebrate- and did we ever!?!?!?!?


at Hob- Nob….


I think we all felt a little sassy that night!


Kayla and her cornbread mix ha and Alex finally deciding to join us at dinner…. he swears the valet guys are his new best friends after he sat outside for a good 45 minutes attempting to finish his date rape drink that (he also swears) I made for him! 

After getting home things only got…. BETTER :)

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haha yes, and you have to see these two doing their duet to Bob Marley but you may have to turn your computer screen… sorry!

We attempted to make Cornbread for Alex so he wouldn’t steal Kayla’s… but in my “state” I was unable to measure anything- yet decided it all looked a bit too liquidly- so I added chocolate chips, what else?


Apparently the chocolate sinks to the bottom when cooked… so we cut out mini cornbread cakes with a glass and turned them over so you could see the chocolate :)


After our bellies got full (twice) and  everyone left we called it a night….. A night full of celebrating a wonderful happening!DSC05535

Did I mention Greylin is staying with us? It doesn’t look like it here but….


I swear we all fit- somehow!


Yes, hers a big girl- Great Dane- big girl!


On with another type of celebrating…..


The visit to see my sweet former patient and deliver goodies on Easter at the nursing home was too good to be true.


It must have been an Easter blessing because he was not paranoid or hallucinating at all that day, didn’t appear to be in much pain and is now eating solid foods- he didn’t even ask to pinch me to see if i was real! It made my heart very happy just being with him, I think I could sit and talk with him for hours… if he didn’t get so winded talking… the man will work up a big breath just to tear your heart out with the sweetest comments that rolls right off his tongue!

So kind, so, so kind.


DSC06497As far as the cookies and cupcakes- they were a hit and even left another ex-patient of mine “speechless” :)     DSC06511

Speaking of Easter, I have to mention Adeola’s lunch on Good Friday, she was trying to be a good girl and eat a McDonalds fish sandwich for lunch instead of meat…. however, she was also trying to be a good mommy to her little boy who said: Mommy why do you never wear the “Super Woman lipstick I got you?”


I told her to show him this picture and say “That’s why sweetheart” haha only kidding but its RED!!

On to our actual Easter Feast- YUM!


Egg shaped cheese ball as appetizer!  DSC06521DSC06549**Happy Easter 2011**  DSC06571

This was Milly’s face after we told her- “No Milly this is People food” ……

You can imagine the pure devastation that set in…

DSC06574No worries she of course got to be our professional dishwasher :)

After all our (mainly mom- but i did the deviled eggs!) Easter cooking the boys took us out the next night to Franco’s down the corner from us!!


Everything taste so good and authentic there!DSC05462


Mom looking super skinny and Daddy looking up to not have his  double chin- Your getting there daddy keep it up! :)

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They deserved it as much as we did because that morning while mom and I spent hours (unsuccessfully) shopping for a graduation dress they worked very hard…. refurnishing a glider that “came with the house”…..


Sad sight right- Arms were falling off and the paint was beyond gone! DSC06468

All fixed up now  and to think- It was soooo close to being trashed!


Thanks Daddy, good as new!!

I have a feeling daddy may be getting into a bit more of these handy dandy house projects because as of ….NOW- He is officially RETIRED!!!

They have packed up Tennessee and our officially back in Register!! Mom called to tell me his first day back “home home” he bought a tractor…… like I said I have a feeling many handy dandy house projects will be on the rise…..

Next time I blog I will officially be DONE with school!!!

Yup- Thursday, it’s all over folks and I will be grabbing my hubby and heading straight to Hilton Head to soak up some sun with my the other loves of my life (Steph and Ney) and wait on Graduation to knock at my door Tuesday!


Yes, I will gladly take a drug test- and pass, because I swear it’s only happy fumes I’m high on right now:)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Busy Bee’s we are!

Goodness has a whole week gone by and I never posted anything about last week?!?!?! I’m afraid so!

Well good thing I have been better about taking pictures (since borrowing Mrs. Karens little camera) to remind myself of it all….

First Up:

Andy and Rachel’s joint birthday celebration at Ormsby’s… I think Rachel is getting more like me with her multiple celebrations….  I like!


(Sorry for the blurryness- and Yes, bob was here all week!!) DSC05427You gotta love the games there- and the fact that boiled peanuts with the option of cajun is on their appetizer list!! 

Rachel also continued her tradition of leaving SOMETHING on the taxi… And we continued the tradition of not getting the taxi company or drivers name to do anything about it!! UGH.


Tara came this week and bought a new new!!! So exciting and can we say GORGEOUS!


However, we could not mkake a purchase for a car we had yet to ever see much less drive without first being cute and having brunch at the Flying Biscuit! I have wanted to go there for a while and once i found out they serve breakfast all day it was a done deal!


Who knew cheese grits could be so good!

Anyway, it was really sad that we were both too busy that day to have an actual meal together so we had to go for “brunch”!

I did feel pretty cute though!


Anyway the rest of the week I was in panic mode along with the rest of my class, no not about papers (yes, that too but not specific to this conversation) it was about the fact that our class president decided to do a slide show at the hooding ceremony and our class has like a total of 5 pictures together!


Make that 6, now! haha That’s Ali on the outside and Shannon in the middle, oh what would I have done without those two!?!?

So we have started taking pictures like crazy!

Love them to death and can’t imagine getting through the program without them… we love to celebrate the smallest accomplishments for each other and comfort each other during some truly rough times!

I am going to miss seeing them on a regular basis so much but I know we will have plenty of gossip and catch up sessions at The Noodle as often as possible!

Adeola and I on the other hand did not go into a photo frenzy for slideshow reasons (because she goes to Clark not Kennesaw so she wouldn’t be in our slideshow anyway) but because we realized we have zero pictures together and this coming Friday is our last day together!!     


Talk about knowing your going to miss someone, I love this girl to death and have learned oh so much from her!! You honestly never know what would come out of her mouth. For example: Did you know if someone is a total bitch to you for no reason and you compliment them they will (at minimum) become easier to deal with. It’s true…. in the hospital there’s a wide variety of people and most have some pretty strong attitudes/personalities…  It’s very easy to get a bad look in a second… and just when i think she is going to flip out on them for being so blatantly rude she busts out with “you know your hair is so nice how exactly do you get it to curl that way?”DSC05452

I don’t know what her parents did to her but she is probably one of the strongest most positive people I know! Adeola graduates next May and we have completely decided to apply to all the same jobs as each others!

Cross your fingers for us!DSC05447

We shared an office all year and if those walls could talk…. we would probably have our own reality tv show, at least we think so!I can’t tell you how many times we get on the elevator and start talking and forget to push a button or push a button and forget to get off! Ask the walls; Marriage, babies, future dream, what we ate for dinner, what we hate and who we love, how she manages the numerous load of being a single mom in school and working full time…. those walls heard it all!

I found anything and everything I ever dreamed of complaining about a joke after one minute of hearing her daily schedule (that she completes with a smile and begins with an hour long meditation every day!)

Can I also just say her laugh is contagious?



Mom and dad are spending Easter in Atlanta with us this year and of course as soon as they got here (while I was at work)mom cleaned my whole house and did all the laundry! YAY!

So we ran to Kroger to stock up on a few items when i got off work and found these beautiful Ferns for $2.99!! Two please!


This was a picture I snapped before “properly” hanging them so I promise to take a better one this weekend but you get the point- very full and for $2.99- ya can’t go wrong!


Is an **Announcement**: Lance got a new job in CALIFORNIA, we are so crazily excited for him and although it’s temporary for now it’s a GREAT opportunity working in his field (I think making solar/wind turbines) but could totally be off with that, I do know it’s near Fresno!

Regardless we are so excited and of course had to have a last minute get together for him!!



I failed that night at taking many pictures, especially after anyone came but Lance’s mom did make it for the record!!


Does it count that I got one of the back of the boys heads before calling it quits…. Then mom took over and this was the extent of her coverage!


I swear TJ was not showing his teeth in that picture!

“not my baby”

DSC06444 Have I mentioned my dogs will do anything for peanuts?

They will.

Well that was last week for ya! I feel better do you? I’m so excited about tomorrow, mom and I are going to the nursing home in the morning to see some of my old patients (one in particular – of course- my love, that I know i still have not explained here but promise to do so soon because YOU will love him!)   and we made the cutest cupcakes tonight after dinner to bring with us!!

I will blog allllllllll about our trip and our adorable Easter cupcakes soon!

FYI: Can you believe it’s already been 3 years since Alex purposed: Easter Eve!!

Happy Easter everyone!!