Thursday, November 25, 2010

As promised….

Yup even if you didn’t want it, a second blog full of Tuck and Mill :)

…. but lets be honest, you know you did!



Okay Okay, So it’s not all just Tucker and Mill :)

It’s their dad’s JUNK too….


Yup, I guess I will never have a true blue guest bedroom……

Alex has hooked up three different security camera inside our house (fair warning to any visitors from now on :))…. which all flicker on one computer so i’m not sure why we have 3 computers hooked up to them?!?! – and another on the bed I see?? Lets just say “It’s a mess” and I am maintaining sanity by taking deep breaths before walking in there….

Lets not think about that, MOVING ON….


Lou and I bought a ton of fire wood Saturday and TJ as always loves to be right into the boy business…. So he helped make a fire for us!!




We may be responsible for a lot of dead trees before Spring gets here!!!

In more ways than one……


haha ohh Lou, this is our back yard…. we decided Saturday morning to take a walk down to the stream we were told about that is somewhere at the end of our yard….



She was so excited to be off of her leash!!


Good news is we found out the back is fenced in….. so we would just have to fence in the sides if we decide to do so??


They were such good listeners off of their leash…. I’m still weirded out by it???


We found the stream!!!




After feeling all wilder-nessie and what not…

we decided to go (literally) about half a mile from our house to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens for our first time!


This is the amazing canopy tour (but who knew it was $12 a person)!!??!! We were not up for blowing $24 at that particular moment… so we just walked around to see what else we could find!






For some reason…. after not showering, going on a walk in the woods and then venturing out to walk around the Botanical Gardens I thought it would be a good idea to take a “family portrait”!?!?!


Yeah no, it was a bad idea, this was the best we got so then we decided to give the dogs the boot…. DSC02259

But Milly still managed to get her hiney in this one!!

Speaking of Milly, I have to tell a Milly story since I told a TJ story last week……

Geez so many to choose from but I do have to get one in particular “out”….


Milly has never been good at hiding her emotions…. she has so many and for every emotion she usually has an expression for it…


So on that note I have been meaning to share that Milly’s way of saying “I’m sorry”. You know how when you were little and did something wrong you were forced to say “I’m sorry” even if you didn’t mean it?  

We’ll welcome to Milly’s life :) We have always had the rule that the dogs have to “say” they are sorry ( which means to lick/kiss each other no matter who did the wrong) to each other when they either get hurt or act sassy or heaven for bid when Mill losses her temper (on accident of course). Well since they grasped this rule they pretty much took it into their own hands to decide when they need to “apologize”.


Notice anything?

Yup, that’s Mill showing her teeth while she says “I’m sorry”…  She has no problem saying it she just allows her teeth to show while doing it, like I said she is not so good at hiding her true emotions!!

DSC02063    Luckily Tj either doesn’t notice it or doesn’t take it personal :)

Other topics….

We sure were city folks this week, I even went to a play with Ali called “In To The Woods” in Midtown Thursday night which was very cute and we even ate at one of my favorite places “Noodle”.


Other city-ish event happened on Sunday when we went to Piedmont park for the first time (don’t hate) with Autumn, Rachel and Andy! Sorry Tuck, you need to learn to play better with others before we take on that park!

DSC02295  TJ didn’t mind, as long as he could guard his bench!DSC02319 DSC02326 DSC02307

SO that was it for us…. squeezed quite a handful of events in now that I think about it…. I guess that’s what happens when you have 2 papers to write and 2 finals to study for that you don’t want to do :) ohh procrastination, I love you!

DSC02345 Hope you all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING this week and hopefully a lot to be thankful for!! There are so many people with out a soul to spend the holidays with and no where to go, I can’t imagine… makes me want to give my children the gift of siblings, to make their own babies and cousins and other aunts and uncles, so they never have that problem……

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! Stay safe and indulge in everything you would normally say “no” to! :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Fundraiser

Hello there!

So I took another good 2.4 million pictures of the pups this weekend between procrastinating from one activity to the next to keep from writing my papers- BUT I thought I would break up “pup albums” a bit to show ya some pics of what we did on Saturday night….


Sean co-hosted a Lymphoma and Leukemia fundraiser which is his sponsor- again- for the Iron man this year!


He is crazy, I know!!

Notice Seans shirt…. “Rocking’ for the cure”

It was a collection of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s music from a local band!

SNV31285After we finally found the place we were informed upon walking in the door that all “liquid courage” (red bull vodkas) were only $5.oo and 100% of it goes to the foundation!!!

DRINK UP!   SNV31289

Dad informed me Sunday after I vented to him that we were the only ones at the bar to win ABSOLUTELY NOTHING off the raffles  that -just because I got married doesn’t mean I got rid of my “Francisco Luck”-  aka If bad luck didn’t exist we would have no luck at all. SNV31290

That’s okay though! We had fun being  “liquid courage” losers!


    Autumn and I have a rare drinking disease I have discovered, we talk like 90 year old ladies from the Bronx/Italy every time we get together….. not really sure how it manifested or how it is spread but we have it…SNV31294

Pretty sure it’s inoperable as well :)

So we all had a great time and what a great cause, Lymphoma is actually one of the most common cancers we see as an opportunistic infection to my HIV patients at Grady so it was nice to have a way to help in other forms.

Click this to read more about Sean’s Iron Man competition or to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society....

Have a great SHORT week!!

I promise to get back to the rest of our pup weekend pics soon!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


We are totally moved in now! I took off work Monday and by Tuesday there was not one box left in our house!!

I hate boxes!!!

Thanks to my sweet followers for all the compliments from the last post!! We love it here, feels like we are in a mountain cabin, especially with the leaves falling and by far our favorite spot is the back porch!!



Let’s just say TJ gets his moneys worth out of that porch!

DSC01903  Hard to believe we are now in the middle of  Midtown and Buckhead and get to be surrounded by woods!!

So anyway Amara and Sean came by Friday night and brought us beautiful autumn flowers as a house warming gift!

DSC01936  Love them, she thinks of everything!!

We spent Saturday cleaning up around the house and doing some shopping for the house…. RUGS… we need more RUGS!!

Tucker and Milly were –to say the least - close to our side during all of this!!


I think everyone who knows Mill knows what this face  means…

“Play with me”


“Fine don’t”


“I’ll play by myself!”


While Mill was busy doing all this the boys were in their own world planting the leftover flowers from the front yard in a pot on the back deck….


Yes literally, TJ, as you know LOVES to help his dad do boy stuff…

He was RIGHT in between Alex’s legs the entire time!!


Literally….. DSC01978What’s the matter Lou, little distraction?    DSC01984Milly finally got tired of playing with her babies alone, so she popped her hiney in to see what the boys were doin….. 


How can I forget to mention this love muffin!

Good Morning Sunshine!!


Yup! Chelsea joined us for the weekend while her mommy and daddy went to…. yes, another wedding!!


Time for a Tucker story!!!


I have been letting Tj and Mill be big girls and boys and potty off their leash in the FRONT yard (one at a time) on occasion…. So Tuesday when I was home I let mill go first (of course) and she peed, pooped and took her sweet time coming back in….


… WELL don’t ya know, just as she made her way back in for TJ to go out, it started POURING down cats and dogs!!! haha Sweet Tj was so patient waiting on her only to nd up having to poop in the pouring rain!!


- Ya may of just had to be there-

DSC02033   I often remind Mill not to take having a sweet patient brother for granite!!! He spoils her!


OK one Last TJ story I swear…

My poor brave man had a horrible asthma attack in the middle of the night last night and scared his dad to death (I was fast asleep)! DSC01874

TJ has seldomly has these attacks that come on where he weezes and it sounds like he is whistling/only exhaling, he also kind of convulses similar to the way you would if you were throwing up….

We aren’t really sure what they are and he has only had about 7 in his whole life but they are so scary!! He is usually always cured after he goes outside to get some fresh air!!


Then he usually gets distracted by all of the birds and squirrels on our bird feeder…. my daddy picked out some good food!

They love it, this was after 3 days- at 4 days it was empty!!

DSC01901So yes we are certainly enjoying our new place!!

I think it’s Tucker ideal vacation :) Keeps him entertained while his mom is gone! Milly doesn’t mind the move so much either ;)    DSC01895Sorry there were 545867 pictures of Tucker and Milly but I am that “annoying mom”, ha I can’t help it!! 

I hope you all spend some ENJOYMENT with your snuggle bud this weekend, even if that is a dog!!!DSC02042